how can someone that loves racing think a race is boring? well i dvr all of races i want to watch and watch them later without the commercials. this literally makes a 4 hour race go 1.5 hours. 2.5 hours of a tv broadcast of a race is a commercial. that would basically be like having to watch the daily show, but only seeing 6 min of the show while the rest was commercials. they also have 3 hours of prerace show (not a joke) and the sport has become so dependant on looking good for the advertisers that they are not allowed to use any type of fowl language, they are not allowed to bump each other on the track and if they race each other too hard, they can be penalized. seriously. if they get too into the race, they can be pull off the track or fined thousands of dollars for doing the very thing that made the sport what it is. they took a working, sucessful formula for entertaining racing that millions of people liked, then they sold the shit out of it and turned it into a feel good fest.
but i stray from my original reason for this blog. today i went to the nascar pageto watch highlights of one of the races that was this weekend. there was a 30 second clip of part of the race i wanted to see. in order to keep their 30 second clips free for viewing, they added commericals before the clip. fine. lots of people do that. but today, in order to watch my 30 second clip, they made me watch 1min and 10 sec worth of commercials. there is just something utterly wrong with that. but i guess if you apply the 2.5 hours for 4 hour race equation above, it makes sense. the other shit burger they served up was after i watched the 1:10 worth of commercials to watch the 30sec clip, instead of the clip, i got a timeout error with a spelling error in it. your commercials were so long, that the video itself timedout and your webmaster can't use spellcheck.

i would be an indycar fan, but they sold all their tv rights to a station i don't get. looks like if i want to be a race fan, i'm going to have to break out my little die cast cars and play racecars with heather. vroom vroom! and Tabitha wins the meow mix 400!!
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