Thursday, October 23, 2008

i switched to blogger to avoid tech problems

i sure did try to write this blog 8 hours ago, but blogger was down......

today = boring as shit. i had to re-write the webpage i wrote in ie6. what does that mean? it means ie7, firefox, safari...every browser ever looks fine on my website, but when i view it in ie6......vomit. horray duel css files?

Wii. also known as lock the fuck up. i would say that the last 5 times i have played madden on wii, 2 of the 5 times, it has locked up. not just locked up, but it locks up when i am saving my game just after beating the crap out of my opponent. it never seeems to do so when i lose. only when i win.

i'm not saying that i wouldn't be able to beat this team again, it's just......well....i already fucking beat them.......

make dinner......not discard it and make it again......i bet it's not as appealing the second time around.....fuck you wii. save my fucking game.....i...fuck. just save my game.

that's it. pretty much, fuck technology. it's almost 2009....2009!!!!!. fuck people. flying cars, robot people, self cleaning kitchens....we've let the past down. 120%. fuck you present and fuck you future. i doubt you will even meqasure up to my expectations.

ireleand in 3.5 days. suck it.

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