Thursday, March 19, 2009

why are there little post it notes everywhere!?

the answer is, because i'm a least me from 2 years ago is.

i am currently converting our existing site at work over to the new format i developed. every once in a while, i come across a little text file that has no reason to be there. every time i open it, i want to go back 2 years and hug myself.

every time i ran into an issue when i was taking over the site, i wrote myself a note so i wouldn't have to deal with it again.

i apparently also insult future me at times in my notes for various reasons. man, past me is kind of a dick. i hope present me isn't that big of a dick to future me.

i wish it worked the other way as well.
Dear past me,
sell all of your AIG stock right now and don't eat that string cheese you found under your desk covered in dust.
yours truly,
present me...or is it future me...

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