Friday, January 30, 2009

You little son of a bitch ball! Why you don't you just go home? That's your HOME! Are you too good for your home? ANSWER ME! SUCK MY WHITE ASS BALL!

so i live HD tv. but there are things i don't understand. we have an upscaling dvd player. it doesn't make dvds HD quality, but it definatly bumps them up. but then i see shit like USA network or TBS that take old old stuff and broadcast them in "HD". i put that in quotes because obviously they were created waaaay before HD was ever anywhere near mainstream.

case in point, on USA right now is Happy Gilmore. they have made it "HD". pretty much, they have upscaled it. Yet it looks 100x better than if i were to put my happy gilmore dvd into the upscaling dvd player. and no it's not just my particular dvd player. my dads upscaling dvd player is better than mine, but it's still no match for what i am seeing on tv. so i ask the tv networks....why can't we just upscale everything to "HD" quality? i mean...fuck.....i spend $92 a month on tv and i only have like 28 HD channels. why can't everything be HD if it's this easy.

tomorrow( probably today for you's 2:22am......) will be spent building our new fancy-ass elliptical machine. nordictrac 990 bitches. what's that? yes. if you must know. it did take 2...count them 2 sports cars to get it home. as heather and i have found, 2 sports cars = 1 medium truck.

sunday, am = bottling my first beer. pm = drinking not so favorable beer and watching the steelers maul the worst team ever to make it to the superbowl.

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