Wednesday, July 29, 2009

in this dramatization, the names were changed to protect the inno.........the names were just changed ok?

Oh, I, I can't stand it any longer. This whole plant is insane. Insane, I tell you! [snaps mentally] Daahh! Aaah! [runs out of the auditorium, and into an equipment room] I can be lazy too! [takes his tie off, and moons one of the technicians] Look at me, I am a worthless employee, just like Homer Simpson! Give me a promotion!
[walks into the break room, and grabs two donuts from the box]

Ooh, I eat like a slob, but nobody minds! [eats in an exaggeratedly slobbish fashion]
[heads into a bathroom]
[from bathroom] I'm peeing on the seat. Give me a raise!
[emerges from the bathroom and waves his hands in Homer's face] Now I'm returning to work without washing my hands. But it doesn't matter, because I'm Homer Simpson!
[runs to Homer's work station and spins around in the chair] I don't need to do my work, 'cause someone else will do it for me. D'oh! D'oh! D'oh! [slaps forehead on each "D'oh!"]

Oh, hi, Mr. Burns. I'm the worst worker in the world. Time to go home to my mansion and eat my lobster.
[walks up to some dangerous-looking wires] What's this? [reads sign] "Extremely High Voltage." Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer Simp-- [zap]

most of you know what this is in response to. if not, then you don't work with me or talk to me on a daily basis. that little snippet from the simpsons pretty much sums up my feelings about the situation though.

on a complete side note: to the lady driving in front of me on my way home last night, if i can smell your perfume like you just sprayed it in my face even though you are in another car and we are going 70mph, perhaps it's time to use less perfume. or at the very least, go see the doctor to figure out why your body smells so bad that you need to pour a whole bottle of perfume on yourself everyday.

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